Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Day 8- Jeanette B.

 Today was day 8 of my field experience with the toddlers. I could not wait to arrive to see what the CT had scheduled for the day. When I arrived, it was only one student there. She was happy to see me. She greeted me at the door with the biggest smile as I hung up my jacket and washed my hands. The 1.5-year-old girl went to the book area and got a book for me to read. As I open the book and started reading, she pointed to the pictures on the pages. As other children arrived, she lost interest in me reading.  Another student came in, taking out toys and leaving all the toys on the floor. The 1.5 -year-old boy is new to the classroom. For breakfast, he kept getting out of his seat, walking around with his food.  I escorted the student back to his chair a couple of times. After breakfast, the CT discussed classroom rules and expectations with the student. The CT also followed him around the classroom, and every time he threw a toy or left toys out, she made him pick them up and clean up after himself. That is something I learned during my observation and, I would take it back to my classroom. I believe, every time the student plays with a toy, the more the student cleans up, he will start cleaning up on his own.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Feronica Crawford

 March 23, 2021

As I approached the classroom, I noticed when I looked inside one of the infants was smiling at me. I opened the door and greeted everyone. I put on shoe covers and immediately washed my hands. After I washed my hands the CT asked me to join the toddlers on the rug. The toddlers were stacking cups to increase their fine motor and cognitive skills. The toddlers were crawling through the tunnel and walking around in circles to increase their gross motor skills. Furthermore, they were rolling dump trucks back and forward. This activity helps toddlers problem-solving, increases fine motor, hand-eye coordination, and cognitive skills. Each activity met one of the domains of development. All of these age-appropriate activities for toddlers are something they really enjoy. I engaged in conversation asking the toddlers questions. I asked one of the toddlers, "Are you crawling in and out of the tunnel?" the toddler stopped and looked at me. I asked another toddler who was inside the other tunnel, "Are you crawling in and out of the tunnel?" She nodded her head, yes indicating she was able to comprehend language. 

It was time to clean up, so the teacher assistant and I began to sing the clean-up song picking up toys putting them back on the shelf. When the toddlers saw us cleaning up, they were able to copy the same thing we were doing. They picked up the toys and passed some toys to us and they put toys back on the shelf independently. While preparing for circle time, the Teacher assistant asked one of the toddlers, "Are you good?" he replied, "I'm good, I'm good." I asked him the same question, "Are you good?" he replied, "I'm good, I'm good," laughing. The toddler is beginning to develop language by repeating what he hears and involving in conversation with one back and forth exchange. Next, we sang songs did a couple of fingerplays, and followed cues as the toddlers stood up and began dancing. We dance with the toddlers to Twinkle Twinkle little star as we transitioned to arts and crafts. The toddlers were stamping shapes such as circles, triangles, and squares. I began to name each shape and its color. By the time I walked over to the last toddler, it was time to go but I continued the art activity with her. Once again, I always have a joyous time with the toddlers and love to see how they are growing developmentally in my field experience.     

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Day 7

 Today I taught my first environment lesson in the infant and toddler classroom. After breakfast, I led circle time. I read two books and transition the toddlers to the art area, where the toddlers had the option to finger-paint or use paintbrushes. The environment was set up, with materials for the toddlers to paint. The toddlers were able to explore and be creative by mixing colors with the paint. The activity was fun and messy, but the toddlers enjoyed it. During the activity, I interacted with the toddlers by asking questions and painting with them. What I learned from this lesson was I should have read one book instead of two because toddlers can't sit too long. I also learned to have a variety of colors for the older toddlers. I only introduced three colors. Overall the toddlers were engaged and completed the activity. Afterward, I displayed the paintings on the wall. 

After teaching my environment lesson I thought about my strengths and my weaknesses in the lesson.  I also thought about what I will take with me to my classroom. I learned so much from my MT's and I'm going to take everything I learned and implement it in the classroom.

 Feronica Crawford


I found out the name of the classroom I'm in is called the yellow room. You learn something new each day. The children were happy to see me as I walked into the classroom. After I washed my hands, the CT needed me to step over on the rug with the toddlers. Some were walking playing with each other. The other toddlers were building towers with large colorful cubes. As the cubes fell down he would rebuild again. This skill increases fine motor development. It also, shows this child can maintain persistence in this activity. I asked, the toddler, "What else can we do with the large cubes?" He nodded his head yes, I began counting one to one tagging. Touching each cube as I count them. "One, two, three, four." The toddler repeated the same words such as: "Wa, to, tha." Forming number words and counting. 

Next, I began to sing a song called "If You Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands." The children were all engaged in the song. They were clapping hands and stomping their feet. The children were making sounds. The song made them laugh and smile. The children were learning listening skills. They were learning sound and language communication. Once morning free play was over,  we began singing the clean-up song. The children knew exactly what to do. Everyone contributed to picking up toys and placing them back on the shelf. Now the children were ready for circle time with the CT. She began singing the morning song, "Look Who Came to School Today." The children were clapping their hands and moving their bodies. Immediately when the song ended, she had me read the children a story about animals. I asked the children, "What sound does the pig make?' The children say, "Oink, oink." "What sound does the cow make? The children say, "Moo, moo." The children knew every sound each animal made. Learning how to make connections with animal pictures and their sounds.

When storytime was coming to a close, I informed students we are going to transition to the art area. In the art area, you'll are going to make shape art on construction paper using colorful paint. The children were highly excited about the art activity. We assisted each child in their chairs. With assistance, children were stamping circles, squares, and triangles on construction paper.  I talked about how circles go round, squares have 4 equal sides and triangles are shaped like birthday hats. The toddlers were learning mathematical understanding. It was a learning moment for the toddler and time for me to go. The clock surely ticks fast when you are having fun.  

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Day 7- Toddler room Mica Howard

 On this day I walked into the classroom and the children were playing in various areas and the MT introduced me and I told the children, hello and my name is Ms. Howard.  Some friends stared and the other children waved along with a smile.  The children were proceeding to the circle carpet for group time and I asked, could I teach them a hello song and the teacher said yes. I sang the song and the children repeated the words and were smiling especially when it came to shaking their friends hand.  As group time was coming to an end the children went to the gym area to climb onto the climber, rock in the wooden boat and play in the wooden cabin.  They were laughing and enjoying their time in the room and I had a friend who wanted me to go on the wooden boat by saying come in Ms. Howard and I did.  After playing for about 45 minutes, it was time to clean up and get ready for lunch.  I told my friends goodbye and I would see them again next Tuesday.

Day 6: Mica Howard

 On this day, I walked into the classroom and the children were crawling through the tunnel and walking across the foam balance beam.  A couple of the friends noticed me and ran over to hug my legs while smiling up at me, and one friend pulled my finger to crawl through the tunnel with him.  As I kneeled down to tell him, let me see you go in and he did.  Then the teacher prepared the students for a morning snack with cereal bars and milk.  After snack, I asked the CT if she wanted to go outside and she responded yes.  So we got the children ready with their coats and hats, pulled out the wagon and stroller to put them in for a ride.  Outside, we were able to go to a park and the children were very excited.  We walked on a ramp and went down the slide.  Then it was time to go and some friends were not happy but we explained it was lunchtime. When we got back to the building, I helped the CT get them undressed and wash hands to prepare for lunch.  I told the friends it was so nice visiting their class, gave hugs, and waved goodbye.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Day 6- Jeanette B

 I had a fun and exciting day with the toddlers. During arrival, students enter the classroom put their shoes and coats away without assistance.  Two students were playing with puzzles and other manipulatives using fine motor skills. During breakfast, the toddlers communicated by asking for more food. After breakfast, the toddlers washed their hands. For circle-time, I asked the MT if I could read a book to the toddlers.  While reading the book, I asked the questions. The toddlers showed interest in the book I read by answering questions. For centers time the toddlers were exploring and interacting in the different learning centers. It was nice outside, so the MT took the toddlers for a walk. 

I learned to observe children and take notes. I also learned to listen to what they say. When I'm in my classroom, I'm going to observe what type of day the children are having and see what their interest are. For example, I notice one of the toddlers goes to the dramatic play center every time I'm observing him. I learned from observation that dramatic play is an interest of his. One of my strengths is interaction with the children. I enjoy interacting with toddlers and asking questions.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Feronica Crawford

 March 9, 2021

On the second day of my field experience, I presented my lesson to the infants. My lesson was on mirrors and reflections. The infants really enjoyed the activity. I was definitely in the presence of the moment with the infants when they began smiling, laughing, and reaching. The infants utilized their social and fine motor development skills. I even added objects such as colorful pomp pomps. One of the infants reached upward and grabbed the pomp, pomp using her fine motor skill. I made sure she did not put it in her mouth. The big mistake I made was not bringing enough for everyone. Now I know to bring enough for everyone. Also, I have to make sure the material I use is age-appropriate for infants. By infants being at the sensory-motor stage, everything goes in their mouth. I have to be cognizant of that. 

Another thing, I have to pay attention to the infant's cues. The activity was too long but I maintained and kinda kept the infants engaged. Since the class is a mixture of infants and toddlers, we were singing songs. I read a book about animals, the other students were able to make the animal sounds. I really enjoyed the lesson with the students. 

For my Field Experience with toddlers, I will remain in the same classroom. I am super excited about that. Once I find out the next theme my CT has for them, I will create my activity based on her theme. I am going to start planning early on an activity that can meet the needs of the students. 

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Day 5

 As I walked into the classroom the children were preparing for breakfast by singing the clean-up song and putting away their connectors on the floor.  But a couple of the students were in dramatic play and they were feeding the baby with bread and a cup, saying eat to the baby doll.  It was exciting to see them utilizing their social skills and applying them to everyday life.  The children proceeded to sit down and have green eggs, turkey bacon, and toast.  The children stared at the color of eggs and as the CT and I engaged in eating the eggs and saying, "yummy".  Then some of the students tried their eggs and a couple of them asked for more.  The students were finishing up with breakfast, so I prepared my art activity to teach my lesson. 

 I started with friends join me in a fun art activity with shapes and finger painting.  Then I held up various wax paper shapes to identify and asked what some shapes were as well.   The children responded with some names like a triangle and scare meaning square, and assisted in putting the food coloring into Karo syrup paint bowls.  Next, we mixed food coloring and syrup to form various primary colors and went over those colors as well.  Lastly, we started painting with a spoon and hands to mix colors to form various other colors like purple by mixing red and blue.  The children enjoyed exploring with paint by creating new colors, a couple of them even liked the taste of it. 

Feronica Crawford


I started my field experience at a new school in a class with both infants and toddlers. I had a wonderful time working with the infants. When I walked through the door, I had to put on shoe covers and wash my hands. At this time the MT was changing diapers so she had me to join the teacher on the rug with the other students. After diaper change, the students transitioned to circle time, all the children joined together in a circle on the rug while the teacher sing songs and read a book.When the MT finished reading, she asked if I would like to read a book while she grab a bottle for one of the infants and I did.The book I read was about colors and shapes. As I read the book, I noticed one of the infants looking in my direction and looking at the pictures inside of the book. The children were engaged and as I talked about the colors they looked at their clothes. One of the students starred at the book for a long time while I was reading the story. The teacher indicated he loves storytime. 

Once circle time was over, the MT informed me right after circle time everyday they transition to art. One of the infants were asleep while the other two were swinging in their swing looking up in the sky. I began having a conversation with them by playing the peek-a-boo game. The infants starred at me for a long time. I continued the game until I successfully received a smile out of one of the infants. My first day was full of laughs and a lot of movement. I really enjoyed myself and looking forward to more excitement with the little ones.      

Day 5 - Jeanette B

 My day with the little toddlers was fun and engaging. For breakfast, the children ate biscuits, green eggs, and ham. They did not want to try the eggs because of the color. Two of the toddlers tried their eggs after watching the MT eat her green eggs. During circle time, the MT read two books, and the toddlers responded to the questions asked. Afterward, the toddlers did some movement. The experience I learned is being a teacher, you have to set good examples and be a role model for your students. During breakfast the toddlers looked up to the teacher in the classroom. When the toddlers saw the MT try her eggs, they tried their eggs.

I also observed the toddlers in the different learning centers. One student was sitting at the table playing with the stamp pad, then she walked to the book area and showed interest in books by turning the pages and being aware of the print. Three other students were in the dramatic play center playing with food. Two children were sitting at the table pretending they were eating. Another child was at the sink pretending he was washing dishes. I enjoyed interacting with the children and asking questions as they explored and showed interest in the learning centers. I took observation notes on the children's interests. When I'm in my own classroom I will pencils and paper in all the centers.

Monday, March 1, 2021

My fourth day...

 On Tuesday, February 23rd the children were at the table finishing up the morning snack of grits and they were enjoying it.  As the CT was encouraging some of her friends to try and use their spoons to eat the grits.  Some of the friends were trying to feed the little ones with their spoons and laughing as well.  As I assisted with cleaning up and singing a song to get them ready to get wiped down.  Then the CT let me know they were going outside, so we got the students ready with coats and boots.  The children were so excited and we took spray bottles with various watercolors inside of them. When we walked onto the playground there was still snow so we gave them bottles to spray and enhance their fine motor skills as well as their color recognition.  The children were laughing so hard, they enjoyed running and crawling.  They also did not want to go inside and some friends cried, saying "No".  The CT kept expressing to them it was lunchtime, yummy food, and who's hungry.   The children were prepared to go inside and I assisted with getting their coats and boots. The CT prepared the lunch tables and I read them a short book.  The children pointed to the texture book and smiled throughout it.  As the children were going to the table for lunch, I was saying goodbye to friends and my little boy came to me and hugged me.  It totally made my day.

 On April 27, 2021 Today was my last day and I was getting used to both age groups because they were so lovable and fun to be around. Our da...