Monday, March 1, 2021

My fourth day...

 On Tuesday, February 23rd the children were at the table finishing up the morning snack of grits and they were enjoying it.  As the CT was encouraging some of her friends to try and use their spoons to eat the grits.  Some of the friends were trying to feed the little ones with their spoons and laughing as well.  As I assisted with cleaning up and singing a song to get them ready to get wiped down.  Then the CT let me know they were going outside, so we got the students ready with coats and boots.  The children were so excited and we took spray bottles with various watercolors inside of them. When we walked onto the playground there was still snow so we gave them bottles to spray and enhance their fine motor skills as well as their color recognition.  The children were laughing so hard, they enjoyed running and crawling.  They also did not want to go inside and some friends cried, saying "No".  The CT kept expressing to them it was lunchtime, yummy food, and who's hungry.   The children were prepared to go inside and I assisted with getting their coats and boots. The CT prepared the lunch tables and I read them a short book.  The children pointed to the texture book and smiled throughout it.  As the children were going to the table for lunch, I was saying goodbye to friends and my little boy came to me and hugged me.  It totally made my day.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mica,

    I love that your CT took the children outside to play! I would think that it'd be too cold to do so. Anyway, I think that activity with the spray bottles sounds super fun! I'm glad that you were able to experience with something like that as it gives you ideas of what you can do in your future classroom.


 On April 27, 2021 Today was my last day and I was getting used to both age groups because they were so lovable and fun to be around. Our da...