Sunday, April 18, 2021

 Feronica Crawford

April 13, 2021

When I walked into the classroom the children were eating breakfast strawberries and french toast sticks. The students was enjoying breakfast using their fine motor skills to pick up french toast sticks and strawberries. After I washed my hands, I walked over to the rug and waited for the CT to wash the children's hands and send them over to the rug for floor time. The children were looking at books and putting them in their mouths. The children are still in sensory-motor stage and just about everything will go into their mouth. Then, some children was in the cozy corner laying down holding a book in the air looking at the front cover. I noticed the children's favorite book is the animal book. The teacher assistant was reading and she asked the children, "What sound does the cow make?" one student replied, "moo, moo.What sound does the pig make? the other student replied, oink, oink." The children know just about all the sounds animals make. I love listening to the children make the sounds of the animals. It keeps them engaged and focus in learning. The children are developing speech and animal sounds are easy for them to learn. After circle time, the CT began putting the children coats on to prepare to go outside. When we made it outside, I started talking about the green grass, identifying colors of cars and flowers. The children enjoyed the nature walk. As soon as the nature walk was over, we washed the children hands and they were ready for lunch. It was time for me to go and I told the children see you next week. 

Monday, April 12, 2021

 Feronica Crawford 

April 6, 2021.

When I entered the classroom, every student looked at me and began smiling. The students were eating breakfast strawberries and french toast sticks. The students were really enjoying eating their breakfast. Once breakfast was over the CT helped each student wash their hands. After the students washed their hands I was waiting for each student to walk to the rug to begin floor time activities. One student crawled through the tunnel increasing her large muscle development skills. Another student stacking soft blocks increasing his fine motor and math development skills. While sitting on the rug one of the students brought a book to me to read. It was a book about animals and the sound each animal makes. The student made the moo sound, the oink sound, and the baa sound. I praised the student for remembering each sound these animals made.

Now it was time for my lesson to begin. My lesson was on stamping basic shapes such as circles, squares, and triangles on construction paper. I introduced all 3 basic shapes to the students. I started off by talking about circles and how they go round and round. I passed out circles to each student. I talked about our faces and eyes are round. Pointed to the opening of the tunnel and used my finger to go round and round like a circle. I read the students a book about shapes. Held up shapes that were shaped like circles, squares, and triangles. After I read the book the students and I did the ring toss some of the students did enjoy it. Next, we formed and build shapes with popsicle sticks. The students really like the popsicle sticks. They were lining them up, placing them on top of each other. Then it was time for large motor development. Only one student running around in circles with me. The lesson turned out OK.     

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Day 10 Mica Howard

My center was closed on Tuesday, April 6; I made it to the toddler room on Wednesday, April 7, at 8:00 a.m.  I walked into the room, sanitized my hands, and spoke to the few children there. My CT was off, so the Assistant teacher informed me that we were going on a nature walk to identify various bugs.  The Assistant teacher helped transition the students to the table for morning snack which was oatmeal and toast. The children were excited about the morning snack, and they asked for more oatmeal with toast. As the children were finishing we washed hands and prepared them for outside. The Assistant teacher brought the outside bag and the color rope for the children to hold onto and counted the children's heads. We began our nature walk and sang various songs from, We're going on a bear hunt to the ants go marching. The children were so excited and as we walked we seen some flies and a spider, and started counting them. We also asked the children some questions about the fly and spider, such as how many legs they have and the colors of them? Then we prepped the children to go back to the building for lunch and me saying goodbye. I told the children to have a wonderful lunch and rest well because we had a busy day.

Day 9 Mica Howard

 When I walked in, the children were dancing, singing, and doing the hand actions to a baby shark song. So I went to sanitize my hands and help prepare for the morning snack at the table; a couple of friends ran over to give hugs and said, Ms. Mica. I smiled at the children, joined them in dancing, and they were giggling a lot at my crazy dances. Then I assisted the CT in handwashing so the children could eat their granola bars and milk. As I sat with them, a student wanted me to eat, so he gave me his bar, and I explained he should eat so his tummy won't hurt. Then he began eating it and drinking his milk until it was all gone.  After morning snack, the children transitioned to the circle carpet as I prepared the action song, The Ants' go marching. The children and I enjoyed the actions throughout the song, along with singing some words. The CT continued circle time with Look, who came to school today song and name cards to stick on the wall. I explained to the children that we would create a long caterpillar, and I placed circles and crayons on the art table to draw on.  I created the head with circle eyes and a smiling mouth for the caterpillar.  We put our caterpillars together, and the students helped me carry them to the art wall to hang up. After art, it was time for me to leave, and I announced to the children that I would be leaving and will see them next week. Also, I told them to enjoy their lunch and take a good nap. Some friends came and gave me a hug, and others waved goodbye to me.

Day 10, Jeanette B.

 When I arrived at FDC and entered the classroom, there was someone new there.  I introduced myself, and she introduced herself as one of the teachers. She also mentioned she had been on a leave of absence and returned. The other MT walked into the classroom thinking it was going to be my day to teach. I informed her I teach next week. We went over my lessons and discuss what I'll be teaching. I asked both MT's did they have any suggestions. They said no, my lesson plan sounded good and that I would do a good job.
When the toddlers arrived, they ate breakfast. During breakfast, one of the toddlers cried the whole time because it was his first week at school. During circle time, I observed the new MT with the children. She interacted with the children well. She asked them a lot of questions to promote language and social interaction.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Day 9, Jeanette

 My day with the toddlers was great. I greeted the children as they arrived. We had another new student. It was his second day, and the CT shared that the new child did a lot of crying the day before. The children washed their hands and sat down to eat breakfast. While the children were waiting for their breakfast. AS starting calling out his classmate's names. After breakfast, they went to circle time. Later the children were playing in different areas. One child began counting "1,2,3." Another child came and took his car, the child said "mine" and the child gave the car back to him. I was in the middle of doing an ASQ screening when the fire alarm went off. After the fire drill, I got a chance to talk and interact with three of the toddlers. I also asked questions and took notes.

 Feronica Crawford

March 30th, 2021

Today I walked inside of the classroom, put on shoe covers, and washed my hands. After washing my hands, I walked over to the rug with the toddlers. Some of them were laying on the rug. Two other toddlers were standing in front of letters A, B, C, and D. Pointing at each alphabet. I began saying each alphabet. The name of the picture along with its sounds. One of the toddlers began nodding her head yes. She began making the sound a cat makes. After that, I walked over to other toddlers who were crawling in and out of the tunnel. I stated at the beginning of the tunnel is shaped like a huge circle. I began to draw the circle in the air with my finger. I state circle goes around and close it, around and close it. Explaining and naming the shape I was drawing in the air with my finger to familiarize the toddlers with what a circle is. Also, I held up a ball to compare it with a circle. I explain how the ball is round and shape just like a circle. 

Furthermore, the toddlers began to grab age-appropriate books turning pages from right to left using their fine motor development skills. Pointing at each picture the toddler began making the da, da, da sound for a dog. Learning words is a part of acquiring word knowledge. Next, the CT began singing the clean-up song and the same song was playing on the radio. The children began picking up toys some were putting them on the shelf. The other toddlers were passing them to me and the other teacher to put away. When we were done cleaning up, we all began singing, "If you happy and you know it clap your hands." The children were fully engaged in dancing and clapping their hands. Then it was time to transition to art. The children were reviewing their shapes. They were stamping circles in red paint, triangles in blue paint, and squares in orange paint. I went over each shape with the toddlers and it was time to go. I had a wonderful time and waved at the toddlers. I said I would see them next week. 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Day 8 Mica Howard

 As I approached the classroom, I sanitized my hands along with the MT who had just arrived and there were only a couple of kids. So I came in and said, "Good morning friends"  and the students smiled at me.  They were in the dramatic play area so I went over and sat down at the table with them.  One of my new friends got up and brought me a bowl of food and a cup.  The little girl whispered eat the food and tried to feed me grapes along with putting a cup up to my mask.  As more friends came in the MT's assistant Ms. Laura pulled out these various colored connectors and stickers with various color construction paper to put on, and the kids loved utilizing their fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination.  I heard one of the toddlers say, I put all the pieces together look it's big, so I asked a question of how many pieces and would you like to count?  The little boy began counting one through ten really loud and the MT said, It's time for lunch as she sang the Cleanup, Cleanup everybody do your share., and some friends chimed in to sing along.  I enjoyed my pretend food with my new friends along with utilizing our counting skills and I told my friends that I will see them again.

 On April 27, 2021 Today was my last day and I was getting used to both age groups because they were so lovable and fun to be around. Our da...